Sunday, February 13, 2011

Been meaning to do this for a while

Alright. I have finally sat down and started a blog. The last push came from my portfolio class. For my portfolio class on Tuesday we need to have our design portfolio in the form of a website completed....and at the beginning I decided it was a good idea to put down a link to a blog (which I didn't even have yet) So instead of removing the link I've decided to go forward with it and create a blog for the heck of it. I'll see how it goes.

Figure I could use this (plus my website that will hopefully be completed by Tuesday) as a way to promote my design work as well as a tool to document my life for myself.

For those of you that do not know, the "design work" that I speak of is the work I have been doing for the past four years in college while working to receive my Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design.

I'll try to update as much as possible (I've noticed this phrase gets tossed around alot on blogs) but like other social medias I sign up for I may lose interest and there may end up being huge gaps in between entries, which for anyone that does so happen to end up following me... I apologize.

Bit of exciting news for me cycling-wise (as well as being a student at Humber college I participate competitively in cycling) my team for next year has released it's press release so check it out if you so wish...

All for a now. Better get going on that website.